I have recently gotten back into learning,NOTE I said "learning",and find the art of picking the right strings for each guitar (I now have a New Yorker Pro.,an Aria (my fave)pro II ,model TA 30,and a Fender Starcaster,and a Harmony Accoustic),like fishing hard baits,I sometimes am attracted to the packaging when it comes to strings,but lately the only strings I have been buying are Ernie Balls,and I am curious if a manufacturer would take time to try different strings out before making a rec. as to what string worked for that guitar,if car makers had taken the time to drive,use a car before giving it a name.........what would the Pinto have been named..............just my worn and used 2 cents............

I have a Fender Starcaster,a New Yorker Pro,aYamaha Accoustic,and myfave,that I just got,used,the Aria Pro II,model TA 30 (ca. 1983-4)...............and the amp is a used (1982) Crate CR 212 ,60 W,all are now owned by a vintage (ca. 1953) bored person.


(3 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

Thanks topdown,I contacted Crate and they dug up and old copy,and sent me a copy of the OE manual.


(3 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

For some reason I cant get to that page, I have tried a few times last nite,and again today,it keeps telling me that IE cant open that page.....................Ill have to try something else when I get back from work............


(3 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

I bought a used,1982 Crate CR 212,65 watt amp,condition is good,and toooo loud,cant use it about 3,my nighbors will complain for sure,I have a question about the sockets on it, I have tried to find online a user manual,no luck,so here goes,on the front there is a socket that says "ODB" the guitar hole,next to it there is a socket that says "-6DB",im thinking microphone here,on the back,there is a "Line In",and a "Line Out",now all these sockets look alike,but seeing this is my first amp,Id hate to blow it up or get electrocuted.


(9 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

Now theres dedication to a product...........
and my list grows..................



(9 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

Good Lord!I found everything I needed at Sweetwater.com,and to boot? NO LESS then 10 minutes after I hit the Submit order button,they called me to tell me they were out of that tuner and we spent the next 8 minutes picking out a different tuner,Im gonna love this hobby,and that dealer.............

LOVEEEEEEEE that sound of a busted E string..............poinnggggggggg?


(9 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

Ill add that to my list of things to check out,thanks.


(9 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

Hey people,my name is Joe (really),and Im from Virginia,I got the itch to play the guitar,so I did some research,and went to a local shop,and purchased a Yamaha Gigmaster Deluxe Kit deal,the only thing in the package I have a doubt about is that paperwieght that has "QwikTune QT-11"printed on it,does anyone have any suggestion for another more reliable,not hard to use,less then $50.00 guitar tuner?