Topic: Searching for My Lost Songwriters

Searching for My Lost Songwriters.

I'm riding the wave,
Not feeling very brave,
As the mountainous waters
Break over the boat.
I'm straining to see
You waving to me,
Hoping for a glimpse
Of your famous blue raincoat.

I'm searching for my lost songwriters,
The writers left in my past.
Their lyrics are the stones
Their music the bones
That built me and still hold me fast.

I'm wading across the desert
Not feelin' so pert
This long road's a-winding,
Fading slowly to gray
I'm looking for your blue eyes
That memory of child-time,
On a black and white screen
Where you sang of Yesterday.

I'm stalking the city streets
Not feelin' so great
And the guy in grey cover-alls
Just can't be found.
I'm following the slick trail
of that greasy, down-beat male
From the chop-shops of Jersey
To his girl's pad uptown

I'm tunnelin' prison-wards
Spittin' out tunes and worms,
Bringin' bread for your belly
And word from your daughter.
And if I ever find you
I'm gonna remind you
Of the song that you sang when
Silvie brought you water.

"What's so funny 'bout peace, love and understandin' ."    Elvis Costello

Re: Searching for My Lost Songwriters

four verses and a chorus,  SWEEEEET !
