Topic: Chords page convert??

Hi would it be possible to convert the chords page so that I can see the chords for a c tuned ukulele. Its a really good guitar resource but for us ukulele players its no help. otherwise is there any way to send me the individual chord images for the uke and I'll do it.


Re: Chords page convert??

Hello Pete - Try this; go the the 'Resources' page and use the 'Change Settings' tool to select ukulele.  This should do it.

"That darn Pythagorean Comma thing keeps messing me up!"

Re: Chords page convert??

I changed my settings as suggested here to Ukulele (C-tuning) but the summary chart at still showed just guitar chord diagrams.  Diagrams associated with individual songs come up OK but not the nice summary chart.  If you can put me right, I woud appreciate it.  And many thanks again for the absolutely fantastic Chordie site.  It is one of my best musical friends!

Re: Chords page convert??

Glad the uke chords are showing up in your songsheets now!

I do not know all the details of the big summary chart - seems like that feature should also reflect your preference.

I shall ask the site's ultimate authority and get back to you - if nothing else, I can think of a possible workaround that might suffice, but there is probably a better and simpler solution.

"That darn Pythagorean Comma thing keeps messing me up!"

Re: Chords page convert??

I have suggested to the Admin that the big chord chart should also reflect a user's selected preference.

He is looking into it.  Hopefully, he can wave his wonderful wizard stick and make it happen!

"That darn Pythagorean Comma thing keeps messing me up!"

Re: Chords page convert??

I'd love to see that Ukulele chord chart too.  That would be a great tool. I think many would appreciate it.  Thanks for the great site.


Re: Chords page convert??

If only my fingers/brain could flip from guitar to uke chords as quickly as chordie. Its fantastic. (guitar player for 35 years, Uke play for 1 year smile Does anyone else have this problem?