1 (edited by Peatle Jville 2017-07-20 05:06:06)

Topic: A song for TIG

Hello Jim here is a song poem I wrote a few years back that might interest you. The words come up on screen as I sing it.
I will also put up some words to another song I wrote that Easybeat liked which  when read doesnt always make sense until you hear it in song form. It doesnt have  a chorus like most  song writing I will also add a link to me playing and singing it,recorded on my cell phone with a bit of  a added sound of a phone ring in it. It is not about me it is about a Keith Richard type character.
Phone My Guitar.
Hey dont judge me.
Just cause I look old on the outside.
Inside of me is a heart beating just like any teenager.
Yeah I am a teenager with more experience but there is still alot that I need to see.
Bud don't look at me as though I can't have fun.
I tell you what Ive had some.
I wont let you talk to me, don't judge me.
I can have fun just like you.
Alright I can't do some of those things you do.
I don't understand those funny little phone things.
But I can have fun.
I can play my guitar.
I can sing just as good as you.
Don't judge me just cause my body's old.
Im just the same inside as you.
That's it man.
That's it I'm Am the same as you.
Yeah I am the same as you.
Don't need your phone.
I got my guitar it does the trick.
So dont judge me just listen to my licks.

Song Number Three is me with my guitar.  just telling a true story about a sad Mother and Daughter I knew years back.
https://soundcloud.com/eatleville/video … 4-19-34-52

Re: A song for TIG

Song 1  great keyboard playing - I like the bluesy rendition the lyrics are quite meaningful ! very well done Peatle.
Song 2   -(My favorite) I already had left comment on soundcloud... but this is a great little rocking song.  I think instead of A pirate at 40, it could be a guitar player at 60  smile
                    I love the little phone interjection at " That's it Man!"  ( I can so relate to this one - I can't tell you how many times I have had to havemy daughters or my students show me how to do something on my phone )
Song 3  interesting story.  Your voice is perfect for this kind of story telling !!

Peatle- Thanks for sharing - you have a great perspective on life !!  Keep 'em  coming man

Your vision is not limited by what your eye can see, but what your mind can imagine.
Make your life count, and the world will be a better place because you tried.

"Use the talents you possess, for the woods would be very silent if no birds sang except only the the best." - Henry Van Dyke

3 (edited by Peatle Jville 2017-07-21 00:04:07)

Re: A song for TIG

Cheers TIG thank you for your kind comments and taking the time to have a listen. Like you I need young ones to show me how  to do things on my phone and laptop.
I sometimes worry that young people seem to concentrate more  on their devices as a form of comunication rather than just talking to each other. I will leave you this poem about my inner theatre and sharing thoughts with loved ones and the rest of world through poem and song. I titled it   Light Will Get Through. What I am saying in this poem is words that mean something to you' can touch those who have affinity with what you are underneath the exterior that the world  see's. It also aimed at my wife and soul buddy who gets what I am about when sometimes others don't.

Light Will Get Through
The snow caped mountain at the top of my head.
Hit by sun.
Hit by rain.
Hit by wind and stillness.
That river that flows through my veins.
In the deep parts are you my love.
Not my shallow banks for you.
As my thoughts flow down to the sea.
Sometimes accepted by welcoming lapping waves in the sea of people.
At other times struggling against strong tides and a relentless pounding of angry seas.
Out in the ocean sometimes my thoughts do flow.
Touching distant shores.
Sucked up by heat of the sun then rained down onto your interior.
As always my love in deep parts are you.
In deep parts are you.
In deep parts are you my love.
Ever since the start of my journey,
In the deep parts are the departed.
Those who have been left but still remain.
In the deep parts are the unseen.
The guiding hand that gives me faith the hidden strength that conquers angry seas and the monotony of those not going anywhere.
In the deep parts a guiding light still gets through.