Topic: calling anyone from belfast. go no further!

desperately seeking anyone from belfast who loves music and is a musican of any sort or caliber, ability not important. my name is geraldine and i play the gutair, im after anyone whos up for a good nights crack and enjoyment and is willing to meet once a week to further the cause of music, (mayb even damange it after a few pints) im 37 and love music in every shape or form. i play gutair, but love to hook up with any player of any instrument.  dont be shy .. do reply

Re: calling anyone from belfast. go no further!

I am sure there are a few from N.Ireland here Geraldine, canny remember the names though.
It would take me about 4 hours to get there and 4 hours back so I think I might not be coming. I am next to the bonnie banks of loch lomond in scotland. But if ye ever go to any of the folk festivals ( jura, balloch, perth) then let us know and we can have a wee jam.

good luck


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending