Topic: Dear Family

Sorry I have been MIA lately, but as I may have told you last time I posted , I have lice. Well, that diagnosis has now changed to scabies. One doctor said I had delusional parasitosis, meaning I'm "seeing things".  However I have saved specimenns and they're ugly and  I am fighting them as best I can. Their larvae can come out of just about every orifice in the body. And they're FAST. Very fast.

I know what you must be thinking: "How can one guy have so much bad luck?" Right?

Nevertheless, that's what's going on with me. I haven't touched Dondra In 3 months and she prays and cries herself to sleep. I try to keep a brave face, but sometimes it's tough - especially with everything else that has happened.

Don't forget about me, please, because I sure haven't forgotten any of you.

We send our love

Bill and Dondra

PS:ANybody else wanna write a song about this poor slob? smile

Epiphone Les Paul Studio
Fender GDO300 Orchestral - a gift from Amy & Jim
Rogue Beatle Bass
Journal: www.wheretobud.blogspot. com

Re: Dear Family

Ich hoffe, es geht dir bald wieder besser. My thoughts and prayers are with you Bill and Dondra.
Love to you both.
Pete and Maree

Re: Dear Family

Es freut mich dass Du Deutsch schreiben kannst, Peter!

(I am happy you can write, German)

Thank you my friends!


Epiphone Les Paul Studio
Fender GDO300 Orchestral - a gift from Amy & Jim
Rogue Beatle Bass
Journal: www.wheretobud.blogspot. com

Re: Dear Family

Oh Bill. I wish I had a magic wand to wave and send you some better fortune. I have heard, of but not had any dealings with, scabies so I looked up this article and apparently it is very common. Some helpful advice mentioned in it:

Big hug for Dondra. and hoping for a swift recovery.


"Do, or do not; there is no try"

5 (edited by Strummerboy Bill 2017-10-31 07:58:59)

Re: Dear Family

Thank you, dear friend. It is almost 4 am here in Georgia and I cannot sleep due to the itching and bites. I use diatomaceous earth on my hair which kills parasites, but they still "bug" me at night ....... so to speak.

The news isn't ALL bad, though>

We now live in an apartment which saves us the house payment. The car is almost paid off. The complex furnishes free cable tv which saves us about  $100.00 a month, and we can now afford a cleaning person to come in every 2 weeks to help us keep the place clean.

We love you guys and ladies!


Epiphone Les Paul Studio
Fender GDO300 Orchestral - a gift from Amy & Jim
Rogue Beatle Bass
Journal: www.wheretobud.blogspot. com

Re: Dear Family

Hi Bill and Dondra. Sorry to hear your still being bugged! I hear you have to pay your doctor's over the pond? If I paid a quack to tell me I was imagining things I'd pay him with a broken nose....just kidding..or am I?

Just want to say stick with it, I saw a Sig line here somewhere that said "one day we'll beat this thing" I have every confidence that you will and come out the other side stronger.

Love to Dondra

Phill and Ann

Ask not what Chordie can do for you, but what you can do for Chordie.

Re: Dear Family

hang in there buddy you are due for some good times. now as for your request I took time at lunch today and jotted down a few lines I will let some of the other chordians have a crack at putting some chords to it or add  and subtract lines as they see fit hope it brings a smile to you and Dondra

my friend bill cant win for loosing
tripped and fell down he took a bad bruising

he,s down on his luck now his heads all an itch
but it's not lice aint life a witch

he cant turn around with out some bad luck
on hospital bills he spent his last buck

now bills poor wife for better or worse
she had no idea he would be such a curse

through trials and travails he is not down and out
our friend will come through of this there's no doubt

one last thing before I go
there is something  you should know

he may be forgetful but don't be a hater
the man is world famous he is the MUSICATOR

out of tune out of key and out of touch

Re: Dear Family

Strummerboy Bill wrote:

The news isn't ALL bad, though>

We now live in an apartment which saves us the house payment. The car is almost paid off. The complex furnishes free cable tv which saves us about  $100.00 a month, and we can now afford a cleaning person to come in every 2 weeks to help us keep the place clean.

We love you guys and ladies!


Well Bill,
I am glad to see there are some positives happening in your life, so keep trying to focus on the good stuff whilst your going through the tough stuff.  Hang in there, it will eventually pass and you will be back to yourself before you know it.  Thinking of you and Dondra smile

Laugh Lots ... Forgive Much ...  Love one another     smile
Covers and some Originals found over there    ------- >

Re: Dear Family

I just want to say. Hello Bill & Dondra. Anyone of a certain age over this side of the pond will be aware of the saying. Think lucky and you'll be lucky. Take care.

Thick as two short planks

Re: Dear Family

mojo01 wrote:

hang in there buddy you are due for some good times. now as for your request I took time at lunch today and jotted down a few lines I will let some of the other chordians have a crack at putting some chords to it or add  and subtract lines as they see fit hope it brings a smile to you and Dondra

my friend bill cant win for loosing
tripped and fell down he took a bad bruising

he,s down on his luck now his heads all an itch
but it's not lice aint life a witch

he cant turn around with out some bad luck
on hospital bills he spent his last buck

now bills poor wife for better or worse
she had no idea he would be such a curse

through trials and travails he is not down and out
our friend will come through of this there's no doubt

one last thing before I go
there is something  you should know

he may be forgetful but don't be a hater
the man is world famous he is the MUSICATOR

HAHAHAHAHA! We love it, Moe. I think that sometimes (most times, really). The real truth is that which rhymes, and you and the {b]Chordians{/b} are masters at it!!!!

Thanks from the both of us, my friends!

Epiphone Les Paul Studio
Fender GDO300 Orchestral - a gift from Amy & Jim
Rogue Beatle Bass
Journal: www.wheretobud.blogspot. com

11 (edited by easybeat 2017-11-02 05:04:57)

Re: Dear Family

Gidday Bill
sorry to hear of more problems for you.
i`ll take up your challenge and see if i can write a song for you.
Great to see you on Chordie again,we`re all the better for you presence.

The King Of Audio Torture

Re: Dear Family

One challenge after another, eh Bill? Feel for you, my friend ...