Topic: I have a problem

First I have to thank you for performing this very useful webpage, however I just know this website and trying to perform my own song book, due to each song book can keep just only 100 songs, so I created 3 of them with 2 of my e-mail address and one of my wife's e-mail address, but for the first songbook name " fetus" I don't recieve administrator confirmation so I can't send back confirmation, but I had corrected a large numbers of song in my song book which now I can't open it, please tell be how can I be done for able to open the "fetus" song book and also the "fetus1"

Re: I have a problem

I need both you and your wife's email and username to fix this. Please send them to: <a href="mailto:admin&#64;" target="_blank">admin&#64;</a>

I am having some problems with aol that have blocked my mails, so this might be the reason for you not getting confirmation.