Every Giant Will Fall Rend Collective Gm7 D#2 Bb x2 I can [Gm7]see the p[D#2]romised la[Bb]nd Though there's p[Gm7]ain w[D#2]ithin the p[Bb]lan There is [Gm7]victory [D#2]in the [Bb]end Your l[D#2]ove is my [Gm7]battle [F]cry When my f[Gm7]ear's [D#2]like Je[Bb]richo Build their [Gm7]walls a[D#2]round my [Bb]soul When my h[Gm7]eart is [D#2]overthr[Bb]own Your l[D#2]ove is my b[Gm7]attle [F]cry The a[D#2]nthem for a[Gm7]ll my l[F]ife Every gi[Bb]ant will fall, the mountains will move Every ch (azchords.com)