Faze Aselin Debison # #Intro: G,D,Em,C [G]She's lying on her b[D]ed Alone in the d[Em]ark Remembers what's s[C]aid Staring at the ma[G]rks She's into d[D]eep Crying herself to sl[Em]eep There's not much I can [C]do She's too far away [G]Yeah, Y[D]eah S[Em]he needs some sp[C]ace W[G]hoa, W[D]hoa A[Em]nd sometime to think I h[Am7]ope it's a f[G]aze She's [D]so out of p[Em]lace And it's all thanks to y[C]ou [G]So where will it e[D]nd? All roads have their b[Em]ends I know you feel sle[C]epless Wis (chordiearchive.chordie.com)