Forget Me Not The Civil Wars standerd E Chords {sot |----------------------| |-------2-----------3--| |--1----1---2---2---1--| |--2----2---1---1---2--| |--2----2---2---0---2--| |---------------2------| {eot Em E6 B7 ? E7 Em E6,Em,E6,Em I've been awaiting for you B7 ? Em E6,Em,E6,Em And you've been awaiting for me Em E6,Em,E6,Em Tell me that you'll always be true B7 ? Em E7 And you'll be the only one for me For[A]get me not my [Em]dear, my darling For[A]get me not my [B7]love Em E6,Em,E6,Em I (