Freedom Calling Colin Hay # #From the Transcendental Highway album. # #Capo 1st fret. # #Chords used, relative to capo: # #G - 320033 #D - XX0232 #Cadd9 - X32033 #G/B - X20033 #G/A - X02033 #Em7 - 022033 #Am - X02210 # #Intro: G # [G]If you hear a voice call [D]out your n[G]ame Say you can stop[Cadd9] yours[G/B]elf [G/A]from [G]falling [G]And if he strikes you in his[D] fear and [G]shame You can l[Cadd9]eave h[G/B]im t[G/A]o his[G] ruin [G]If your dreams they wake [D]you in the[G] night An (