Friday Is Forever We the Kings Intro: Em - A - D Verse1: I [Em]knew a girl in sh[A]ades of blue, Who [D]broke my [F#m]heart and s[Bm]aid "We're through" [Em]Waiting for a g[A]irl like you To [D]change me l[F#m]ike the w[Bm]eather [Em]Since she left me h[A]igh and dry [D]Split me [F#m]like a [Bm]Gemini [Em]All those days are pa[A]ssing by Like [D]flowers [F#m]in Dec[Bm]ember Chorus: F[Em]riday is forever, [A]we belong together So co[D]me on, come[F#m] on, And don[Bm]'t you say never (