I Will Praise Him, Still Fernando Ortega Verse: [G]When the m[C]orning falls[G] on the fart[D]hest hill[G] I will sing His n[C]ame, I will p[G]raise Him still[D][G] [G]When dark tria[C]ls come, [G]and my heart is fill[D]ed[G] With the weight[C] of doubt, I w[G]ill praise Him[D] still[G] Chorus: For the Lord, [D]our God, H[G]e is strong to save[D][G] From the ar[Em]ms o[C]f de[G]ath, from the d[C]eep[G]est g[D]rave, And he gave u[C]s life in H[G]is perfect wi[D]ll[Em] And by H[C]is good g[G]ra (guitaretab.com)