Jesus Paid It All
(Difficulty: hard)Jesus Paid It All Fernando Ortega This version takes into account the chord changes from chorus to chorus, as well as some of the nuances of chords within the verses. (Note: His piano recording is a half step lower.) Intro: D/B A G G2 D/B A G G2 [D]I hear the Savior say, "thy str[Dsus]ength indeed is s[D]mall, Child of weakness, watch and pray. Find in[Asus4] Me thine a[A]ll in a[D]ll" [D]Jesus paid it [Bm7]all, [D/A]All to Him I [Asus4]owe [A] [D]Si[D2]n had [D/F#]left a c[G]rimson (
Jesus Paid It All
(Difficulty: hard)Jesus Paid It All Fernando Ortega This version takes into account the chord changes from chorus to chorus, as well as some of the nuances of chords within the verses. (Note: His piano recording is a half step lower.) Intro: D/B A G G2 D/B A G G2 [D]I hear the Savior say, "thy str[Dsus4]ength indeed is s[D]mall, Child of weakness, watch and pray. Find in[Asus4] Me thine a[A]ll in a[D]ll" [D]Jesus paid it [Bm7]all, [D/A]All to Him I [Asus4]owe [A] [D]Si[D2]n had [D/F#]left a c[G]rimso (
Jesus Paid It All
(Difficulty: hard)Jesus Paid It All Fernando Ortega This version takes into account the chord changes from chorus to chorus, as well as some of the nuances of chords within the verses. (Note: His piano recording is a half step lower.) Intro: D/B A G G2 D/B A G G2 [D]I hear the Savior say, "thy str[Dsus]ength indeed is s[D]mall, Child of weakness, watch and pray. Find in[Asus4] Me thine a[A]ll in a[D]ll" [D]Jesus paid it [Bm7]all, [D/A]All to Him I [Asus4]owe [A] [D]Si[D2]n had [D/F#]left a c[G]rimson (