Let Your Heart Hold Fast Fort Atlantic Tuning Standard-No Capo. Chords: F,B, and Dm. {sot ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {eot All my d[F]ays are spent. All my c[B]ards are d[F]ealt. Oh, the d[Dm]esol[B]ation gr[F]ows! Every i[F]nch revealed, As my he[B]art is p[F]ierced. Oh, my s[Dm]oul is [B]now ex[F]posed! In the [F]oceans deep; In the can[B]yons st[F]eep, Walls of gr[Dm]anite he[B]re I s[F]tand. All my des[F]perate calls Echo o[B]ff the w[F (guitartabs.cc)