Loosen the Knot Lissie LISSIE - LOOSEN THE KNOT INTRO x2 [E]Ooh-oo[G]h-o[Bm]oh VERSE 1 H[E]umour me this one l[G]ast ti[Bm]me Th[E]ink I've just made [G]up my mi[Bm]nd L[E]ooking at me like a l[G]over do[Bm]es [E]It'll never be the wa[G]y it w[Bm]as INTRO [E]Ooh-[G]ooh-[Bm]oh VERSE 2 F[E]eel that chord that h[G]olds us t[Bm]ight L[E]et's unravel [G]it toni[Bm]ght CHORUS 1 [G]I wanna loosen up l[D]oosen up Loosen the kn[A]ot The k[G]not that is holding us B[D]inding us Keeping us tog[A]et (guitaretab.com)