Love in the Dark Adele STANDARD TUNING NO CAPO I can't [F]love [G]you in the d[Am]ark[C] It feels like we're [F]oc[G]eans a[Am]part[C] There's [F]so much space between [G]us Maybe we're [Am]already de[C]feated Eh[F]hh.[G]. Everything [Am]changed me[Em][C] [Am]You have given [C]me something that [Em]I cant live with[F]out you [Am]mustn't und[C]erestimate that [Em]when you are in d[F]oubt but [Am]I don't want to[C] carry on like[Em] everything is [F]fine The [Am]longer we ign[C]ore it, the [Em (