No One Else Knows Building 429 # #No one else Knows # # [G]My world is closing in [C] On the ins[Em]ide But I'm not show[C]ing it [G]When all I am is crying out [C]I hold it in and fake a smile [Em]Still I'm broken [C]I'm broken [G]Only one can understand And on[C]ly one can hold the hand [Em]Of the broken [C]Of the broke[Am]n When no one[G] else knows how I fee[Am7]l Your lov[C]e for me is proven[Em7] real [D] When no on[G]e else cares where I'v[Am7]e been You run[C] to me with outstretched[Em (
No One Else Knows Building 429 No one else Knows [G]My world is closing in[C] On the ins[Em]ide But I'm not show[C]ing it [G]When all I am is crying out [C]I hold it in and fake a smile [Em]Still I'm broken [C]I'm broken [G]Only one can understand And on[C]ly one can hold the hand [Em]Of the broken [C]Of the broke[Am]n When no one[G] else knows how I fee[Am7]l Your lov[C]e for me is proven[Em7] real[D] When no on[G]e else cares where I'v[Am7]e been You run[C] to me with outstretched[Em7] hands (
No One Else Knows Building 429 [G]My world is closing in[C] On the ins[Em]ide But I'm not show[C]ing it [G]When all I am is crying out [C]I hold it in and fake a smile [Em]Still I'm broken [C]I'm broken [G]Only one can understand And on[C]ly one can hold the hand [Em]Of the broken [C]Of the broke[Am]n When no one[G] else knows how I fee[Am7]l Your lov[C]e for me is proven[Em7] real[D] When no on[G]e else cares where I'v[Am7]e been You run[C] to me with outstretched[Em7] hands[D] And [Am7]You ho (