Our Great God Fernando Ortega Capo 1st Verse 1: [E]Eternal God, u[Bm]nchanging, m[A]ysterious and [E]unknown. Your b[E]oundless love [Bm]unfailing, in gr[A]ace and mercy s[E]hown. Bright ser[C#m]aphim in en[A]dless flight ar[C#m]ound your glorious th[A]rone. They ra[E]ise their voices d[Bm]ay and night in p[A]raise to you a[E]lone. Chorus: Hallel[E]uj[Bm]ah! Gl[A]ory be to our great G[E]od! (x2) Verse 2: [E]Lord, we are w[Bm]eak and frail, h[A]elpless in the st[E]orm. Su[E]rround us with y (azchords.com)