Queen of Hearts We the Kings We The Kings - Queen Of Hearts Chords Standard Tuning When the world fa[A]lls into piec[E]es You'll be the [C#m]one voice of re[B]ason When I can't f[A]ace all my d[E]emons You are the [C#m]one I bel[B]ieve in Through the t[A]hunder and the[E] rain Together w[C#m]e fall, t[B]ogether we fly aw[A]ay Hold me [E]closely You'll be my [C#m]one and onl[B]y You're the Quee[A]n of hearts Make me yo[E]ur king You'll be the dia[C#m]mond I got the[B] ring We could rule[A] th (guitaretab.com)