Tired Adele Adele - Tired Intro: B, F#, G#m, D#m [B]Hold my hand while you [F#]cut me down it had [G#m]only just begun but now it'[D#m]s over now and you're [B]in the heat of moments with you[F#]r heart playing up cold [G#m]I'm between the middle watching h[D#m]astiness unfold[(F#)] in my [B]eyes you were smiling in the sp[F#]otlight dancing with the n[G#m]ight when I fell off your m[D#m]ind I'm t[E]ired of trying your t[B]easing ain't e[G#m]nough fed up of b[E]iding your time when I d[B] (guitartabs.cc)