Waiting for My Real Life to Begin
(Difficulty: hard)Waiting for My Real Life to Begin Colin Hay Waiting for my real life to begin Colin Hay Tabbed by t.belbeck@rogers.com The "*" indicates a hameron.. You have to listen to the song The "/" is basically means the chord gets one beat. Capo 4 Intro: G / D / C /, C C / F# / G, Am7 G / D / D / C, C C / F# / G, Am7 G / Am7 / B, Verse: Any minute [C]now, *D G *C G/ my ship is coming in [Am7/] I'[B/]ll keep checking the [C]ho[B]ri[Am7]zon [G/] Am7/ B/ C *D G *C I'll stand on the bow, (guitaretab.com)
Waiting for My Real Life to Begin
(Difficulty: hard)Waiting for My Real Life to Begin Colin Hay # # Waiting for my real life to begin Colin Hay #Tabbed by t.belbeck@rogers.com # The "*" indicates a hameron.. You have to listen to the song # The "/" is basically means the chord gets one beat. #Capo 4 # #Intro: #G / D / C /, #C C / F# / G, Am7 G / D / D / C, #C C / F# / G, Am7 G / Am7 / B, # #Verse: # Any minute [C]now, *D G *C G/ my ship is coming in [Am7/] I'[B/]ll keep checking the [C]ho[B]ri[Am7]zon [G/] Am7/ B/ C *D G *C I'll (chordiearchive.chordie.com)
Waiting for My Real Life to Begin
(Difficulty: hard)Waiting for My Real Life to Begin Colin Hay # #Waiting For My Real Life To Begin #Colin Hay #Going Somewhere #Tabbed by Ian Dulley (iandulley@yahoo.co.uk) # #The timing here is hard to judge from the tab alone. #I suggest you read this tab whilst listening to the #song to figure out how it goes. #At present I have only given the chords, but there's #some fingerpicking/arpeggio picking going on #throughout the song, just try to improvise, you can't #really make it sound bad. # #Capo 4 # # #Intro (chordiearchive.chordie.com)
Waiting for My Real Life to Begin
(Difficulty: hard)Waiting for My Real Life to Begin Colin Hay Waiting for my real life to begin Colin Hay The "*" indicates a hameron.. You have to listen to the song The "/" is basically means the chord gets one beat. Capo 4 Intro: G / D / C /, C C / F# / G, Am7 G / D / D / C, C C / F# / G, Am7 G / Am7 / B, Verse: Any minute [C]now, *D G *C G/ my ship is coming in [Am7/] I'[B/]ll keep checking the [C]ho[B]ri[Am7]zon [G/] Am7/ B/ C *D G *C I'll stand on the bow, feel the waves come crashing G/ (azchords.com)