Another Day James Taylor
[C#m]Verse:Wake up suzy
P[A]ut your shoes on
Wa[C#m]lk with me into this l[A]ight
F[C#m]inally this morning
I’[A]m feeling whole again
It[C#m] was a hell of a[A] night
Bridge: Ju[C#m]st to be with you [A]by my side
Ju[C#m]st to have you near i[A]n my sight
Jus[C#m]t to walk a while i[A]n this light
Ju[G#m]st to k[C#m]now that l[A]ife goes [C#m]on [G#m]
Verse:W[C#m]ake up suzy
P[A]ut your shoes on
W[C#m]alk with me into t[A]his light
A[C#m]nother night has gone
L[A]ife goes on
A[G#m]nother dawn is br[A]eaking
T[C#m]urn and face the sun
O[A]ne by one
Th[G#m]e world outside is[C#m] waking
M[C#m]orning l[F#m]ight has d[B]riven aw[F#m]ay
All the s[C#m]hadows that h[F#m]ide your [B]way
A[C#m]nd n[F#m]ight has g[B]iven a[F#m]way
To the p[C#m]romise of a[F#m]nother day
Another [C#m]day
A[C#m]nother c[G#m]hance that we may
Finally find our [A]way
Another [C#m]day
[C#m]The sun has [G#]beg[Am]un
To melt all our fears a[A]way
Another [C#m]day
Another [A]day
Oh w[C#m]ake up suzy
P[A]ut your shoes on
W[C#m]alk with me into this li[A]ght
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