Even the Nights Are Better Air Supply
[C] [Fm] [C] [Fm] [Eb] [Bb]
[C]I, [Fm]I was the lonely o[C]ne
[Fm]Wondering what went wr[C]ong, why l[G]ove had g[Fm]one
And l[Eb]eft m[Bb]e lonely
[C]I, [Fm]I was so conf[C]used, fe[Fm]eling like I'd just been u[C]sed
Then you c[G]ame to [Fm]me and my lone[Eb]liness le[Bb]ft me
[Gm]I used to think I was[Cm] tied to a heartache
[Gm]That was the heartbreak, but n[C]ow that I've found you
[Fm]Even the nights are be[Bb]tter
[Eb]Now that we're here to[G#]gether
[Fm]Even the nights are be[Bb]tter
Since I fo[G]und you, oh
[Fm]Even the days are br[Bb]ighter
[Eb]When someone you love's besi[G#]de ya
[Fm]Even the nights are b[Bb]etter
Since I f[G]ound you
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