Lady Loop Animal Liberation Orchestra
This is a great song of ALO, saw them last night at the paradiso, they were great! I'll come up with something more detailed, but I got sort of a headache right now so this is a start;) Chords: G, [ch]A#min7[/ch], C, [ch]A#min[/ch], G I hear you talkin' out the right side I hear you talkin' out the left side I hear you talk about the way things ought to be I gotta figure out your angle I got the feelin' that you're no angel Your preachin' style's not foolin' me 'Cause when it all falls down Fallin' all around Don't expect to protect your reputation 'Cause when it all falls down Fallin' all around I'll be there to except your resignation I hear you talkin' out the right side I hear you talkin' out the left side I hear you talk about the way things ought to be I gotta figure out your angle I got the feelin' that you're no angel Your preachin' style's not foolin' me 'Cause when it all falls down Fallin' all around Don't expect to protect your reputation When it all falls down Fallin' all around I'll be there to except your resignation I hear you talkin' out the right side I hear you talkin' out the left side I hear you talk about the way things ought to be I gotta figure out your angle I got the feelin' that you're no angel
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