Modern Day Catastrophists Bad Religion
[D] [F] [C]
[D]Ta[F]ke[C] those potatoes outta your ears
[D]Li[F]st[C]en to the warnings, verify all your fears
[D]Th[F]er[C]e's a world outside that's ready to blow
[D]An[F]d [C]we're all to blame when it finally explodes
[D]Yo[A#]u g[C]ot[D]ta[A#] li[F]sten up, gotta listen to what they're telling you
[D]Go[A#]tta[C] l[D]is[A#]ten[F] u[A#]p a[F]nd[A#] th[F]in[G]k about they're saying to you
(w/ rythm 1)
???? (-- lyrics not printed for this verse)
[D]Yo[A#]u g[C]ot[D]ta[A#] li[F]sten up, gotta listen to what they're telling you
[D]Go[A#]tta[C] l[D]is[A#]ten[F] u[A#]p a[F]nd[A#] th[F]in[G]k about they're saying to you
D F(low) C D
They're the modern day catastrophists
[A#]The[F]y'[A#]ve [C]got practical solutions
D F(low) C D
They're the self-appointed righteous pragmatists
A# F(low) C
And they know 50 ways to save the world
(ryhtm 2 w/ lyrics)
what makes you think you can cure our disease?
maybe it's just our biology,
maybe it's time to make room for another species,
this is the 21st century
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