Maria's Bed Bruce Springsteen
Been on a barbed[A] wire highway 40 days and nights [D]
I ain't complain'n and that's[A] my job and it suits me right [D]
I got a sweet [A]soul fever rushin' around my head [D]
I'm gonna sleep[A] tonight in Maria's bed [D]
Hey Hey, [A]Na na na na, na na na na, [D]na na na na...
Got on a [A]dead man's suit and smilin' skull ring [D]
Lucky grav[A]eyard boots and a song to sing [D]
I keep my [A]heart in my work, my troubles in my hea[D]d
And I kee[A]p my soul in Maria's bed [D]
Hey Hey, [A]Na na na na, na na na na, [D]na na na na...
Hey Hey, [A]Na na na na, na na na na, [D]na na na na...
I been [A]up on sugar mountain, 'cross the sweet blue sea [D]
I walked the valley of [A]love and tears and mystery [D]
I got run out'a [A]luck and gave myself up for dead [D]
Then I drank the [A]cool clear waters from Maria's bed [D]
Hey Hey, [A]Na na na na, na na na na, [D]na na na na...
Hey Hey, [A]Na na na na, na na na na, [D]na na na na...
She give me ca[F#m]ndy stick kisses 'neath a wo[D]lf dog moon
One sweet breath and she'll[A] take you, mister, to the uppe[Asus2]r room
I was burne[F#m]d by the angels, sold [D]wings of lead [A]
Then I fell in the roses and sweet salvation of Maria's be[E]d
I been [A]out in the desert, doin' my time [D]
Siftin' through the dust for[A] fools gold, lookin' for a sign [D]
Holy man said, "[A]Hold on, brother, there's a light up ahead." [D]
Ain't nothin' like the light[A] that shines on me in Maria's bed [D]
Well I t[A]ake my blessings at the r[D]iverhead
I'm livin[A]g in the light of Mar[E]ia's be[A]d
Hey Hey, [A]Na na na na, na na na na, [D]na na na na...
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