Boot Chantal Kreviazuk
[Em]Never been [Bm]here before
[Em]Never opened [D]up this door
[Em]But I got a [Bm]feelin'
It's just like [Em]the [D]others
[Em]Never heard him [Bm]laugh before
[Em]Never felt him [D]feel before
[Em]But I got a [Bm]feeling it's just like the [Em]others [D]
He's got a [Am]big [D]boot
He's got a [Am]big [D]hand
He's got a [Am]big [D]fist to [Am]put me do[D]wn [Am] [D] [Am] [D]
Here we [Em]go aga[D]in [Am] [D]
[Em]Never heard him [Bm]lie before
[Em]Never heard him [D]cry before
[Em]But I got a [Bm]feeling it's just like all the [Em]others [D]
[Em]Never heard him [Bm]dream before
[Em]Never [D]felt [Em]it be[D]fore
But I got a [Em]feeling it's just like the [Bm]others
He's got a [Am]big [D]boot
He's got a [Am]big [D]hand
He's got a [Am]big [D]fist to [Am]put me dow[D]n
He's got a [Am]big [D]mouth
And he's got [Am]big [D]words
And he's got a [Am]big [D]knife to [Am]cut me [D]down [Am] [D]
Is it [Am]all Is it [D]all [Am]because of the fa[D]ll [Am] [D]
[Am]But it's [D]not my [Am]fault [D]
How [Am]long
How [D]long
[C]Ho[D]w [Am]long [D]do I have [Em]to long [D]
[Em]Never been [Bm]here before
[Em]Never walked [D]up this door
[Em]But I got a [Bm]feelin'
[Em]It's just like the [D]others
He's got a [Am]big [D]boot
He's got a [Am]big [D]hand
He's got a [Am]big [D]fist to [Am]put me [D]down
He's got a [Am]big [D]mouth
And he's got [Am]big [D]words
And he's got a [Am]big [D]knife to [Am]cut me [D]down..[Am]...[D]........
He's got a [Am]big [D]mouth
And he's got [Am]big [D]words
And he's got a [Am]big [D]knife to [Am]cut me [D]down [Am] [D]
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