Welcome to the Working Week Elvis Costello
Now that your p[E]icture's in the paper bein' r[G#m7]ythmic'lly admired
And you can [C#m7]have anyone that you have [F#]ever desired,
[A]All you gotta tell me now is w[B]hy, why, why why.
[A]Welcome to the working [C#m]week.
Oh, I kn[A]ow it don't thrill you.
I h[E]ope it don't kill you.
[A]Welcome to the [C#m]working w[F#]eek.
You gotta [A]do it till you're through it so you b[B]etter get to it.
[E]All of your fam'ly had to [G#m]kill to survive,
[C#m]And they're still waitin' for their [F#]big day to arrive.
But [A]if they knew how I felt, they'd b[B]ury me alive.
[A]Welcome to the working [C#m]week.
Oh, I kn[A]ow it don't thrill you.
I h[E]ope it don't kill you.
[A]Welcome to the [C#m]working w[F#]eek.
You gotta [A]do it till you're through it so you b[B]etter get to it.
[G#m]I hear you sayin', "Hey, the c[C#m]ity's all right,"
When you [F#m]only read a[G#m]bout it in b[A]ooks. [B]
[G#m]Spend all your money gettin' [C#m]so convinced
That you n[A]ever even bother to lo[B]ok
[E]Sometimes I wonder if we're l[G#m]ivin' in the same land. [C#m]
Why d'you wanna [F#]be my friend
When I f[A]eel like a juggler runnin' [B]outta hands?
[A]Welcome to the working [C#m]week,
[A]Oh ah, welcome to the working w[E]eek.
From: jstaton@math.lsa.umich.edu (Joseph L Staton)
The first verse hit the chords once each and let's them ring-- the first
chorus and after the chords are struck once on the first downbeat followed
by two half beats (a "one and two" syncopated count if you wasted
years as a high-school band-nazi)
Welcome to the Working Week- Elvis Costello
Verse: (tacit until picture)
Now that your picture?s [E]in the paper bein' publ[G#m]icly admired
You can h[C#m]ave anyone
That you have e[F#]ver desired
A[A]ll you gotta do is tell me [B]why, why, why, why...
W[A]elcome to the workin' we[E]ek
Oh, I k[A]now it don?t thrill you
I hope [E]it don't kill you
Welcome [A]to the workin' week [F#]
You gotta do it '[A]til you do it
So you'd bette[B]r get to it
Verse 2:
Not like your family had to kill to survive
They're still waitin' for their
Big day to arrive
If they knew how I felt
They'd bury me alive
I he[G#]ar you sayin' that the city?s all right[C#m]
But you've o[F#m]nly read about it in [G#m]books [A] [B]
Spent a[G#]ll your money gettin' so convinced [C#m]
That you never even bothere[A]d to learn [B]
Verse 3:
Not like we're even livin' in the same land
Why you want to be my friend
When I'm actin' like a juggler
Runnin' outta hands
Welcome[A] to the workin' week [E]
Well now, welcome to t[A]he workin' week [E]
Joe Staton jstaton@umich.edu
Department of Biology Joe.Staton@um.cc.umich.edu
University of Michigan
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