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Be It Unto Me  Don Moen



[Eb]Be it unto [Gm]me
[Ab]According to your W[Eb]ord
[Ab]According to your p[Eb]romises
[Ab]I can stand se[Bb]cure
[Eb]Carve upon my h[Gm]eart
[Ab]The truth that sets me f[Cm]ree[-] [Cm7]
[Ab]According to your W[Eb]ord O Lord
[Ab]Be it u[Bb]nto [Eb]me [-] [C7]
(Repeat in key of F)
Verse 1:
You pr[Bb]omised Your bl[C]ood will de[Am-Dm]liver
[Bb]Lord, we bel[C]ieve it's t[F]rue
You pr[Bb]omised us j[C]oy like a [Am-Dm]river
[Eb]Lord we receive it from Y[C]ou
These t[Db]hings You have s[Eb]poken
And You're bri[Cm]nging to p[Fm]ass
This wo[Db]rld's disappe[Ab]aring
But Y[Bb]our word will l[C]as[-]t [C7]
So [F]be it unto [Am]me
[Bb]According to your W[F]ord
[Bb]According to your pr[F]omises
[Bb]I can stand se[C]cure
[F]Carve upon my [Am]heart
[Bb]The truth that sets me f[Dm]ree
[Bb]According to your W[F]ord O Lord
[Bb]Be it u[C]nto [F]me
Verse 2:
You pro[Bb]mised to ca[C]rry our s[Am-Dm]orrows
L[Bb]ord, we be[C]lieve it's t[F]rue
You pro[Bb]mised une[C]nding to[Am-Dm]morrows
[Eb]Lord we receive them from Y[C]ou
You'll [Db]be our pro[Eb]vider
In Your w[Cm]ord it's re[Fm]vealed
And by the st[Db]ripes that You b[Ab]ore
Lord [Bb]we have been he[C]aled [C#7]
So [F#]be it unto [Bbm]me
[B]According to your [F#]Word
[B]According to your p[F#]romises
[B]I can stand s[C#]ecure
[F#]Carve upon [G#m-A#m]my heart
[B]The truth that sets me [D#m]free[-] [D#m7]
[B]According to your W[F#]ord O Lord
[B]Be it u[C#]nto [F#]me
(Repeat last two lines)
Note: Db = C#

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Ab Am B Bb Bbm C C# C#7 C7 Cm Cm7 D#m D#m7 Db Dm Eb F F# Fm Gm
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