North of Heaven Edwyn Collins
[C]Don't pretend that you don't [Em]know me
If you m[F]ean to of[C]fend me
Then you're do[G]ing pretty well
[C]And how convincingly you've sh[Em]own me
That the lo[F]ve I thought was b[C]uilt to last
Is n[G]ow an empty sh[C]ell
[F]Things can only get b[C]etter
[G]What's around the corner
Who can t[C]ell?
I'll bu[F]ild a little place just north of he[C]aven [Am]
[Dm]I'm kinda tired of li[G]ving south of [C]hell
Verse 2:
[C]Don't assume you can [Em]ignore me
You'd [F]best bite your [C]lip in case I
[G]Make it after all
[C]And how contemptuously you've [Em]shown me
That a[F]ll my aspi[C]rations
Were so p[G]altry and so s[C]mall
[F]Some mother's talking 'bout Guns'n'Roses
As [C]if I give a fuck
At best I think they suck
[F]I'm too preoccupied with my m[C]emories
Not non[G]entities
I'm [Dm]kinda tired of l[G]iving south of h[C]ell[Em] [Am]
I'm [Dm]kinda tired of l[G]iving... C Em Am G F
Transcribed by Samo Granda
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