Franco Un-American NOFX
I never th[G]ought about the u[C]niverse, it [G]made me feel [Em]small
Never [Am]thought about the problems of this [C]planet at [D]all
G[G]lobal war[C]ming, r[G]adio-active [Em]sites
[Am]Imperialistic wrongs and [C]animal rig[D]hts! No!
[G] [C] [G] [Em] [Am] [C] [D] [G] [C] [G] [Em] [Am] [C] [D]
Why [G]think of all the b[C]ad things when [G]life is so [Em]good?
W[Am]hy help with an 'am' when there's [C]always a '[D]could'?
L[G]et the whales [C]worry about the [G]poisons in the[Em] sea
[Am]Outside of California, it's [C]foreign [D]policy
I [G]don't want changes, I have n[Em]o reactions
Y[C]our dilemmas are [D]my distractions
[G]That's no way to [D]go, F[Em]ranco Un-[C]American
[G]No way to go[D], Fr[Em]anco Un-Am[C]erican
[G]No way to [D]go, Fran[Em]co Un-Ame[C]rican
[G]No way to [D]go, Fr[Em]anco, Fran[C]co Un-American
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