Rank Stranger Ralph Stanley
I wonderd a[D]gain, to my h[G]ome in the mou[D]ntains
where you sertainly know I was happy and f[A]ree [A#]
I looked for my fr[D]iends, but I n[G]ever could fi[D]nd 'em
I found they were all rank st[A]rangers to [D]me
everybody i've met, seemed to b[G]e a rank s[D]tanger
no mother nore dad, not a friend could I s[A]ee [A#]
they knew not my n[D]ame, and I k[G]new not there f[D]aces
I found they were all rank st[A]rangers to m[D]e
(verse 2)
they've all moved away, said the [G]voice of a st[D]ranger
to a beautiful home on the bright crystal s[A]ea [A#]
it's a beautiful d[D]ay, I'll [G]meet 'em in he[D]aven
where no one will be a st[A]ranger to m[D]e
end on d (play this song with a capo on the foutth frett)
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