Working Joe Stan Rogers
G|--------2--4--2-4-2--------7--6--7-6---|X3 Then:
[D6]I used to love these lazy w[A7/6]inter afternoons;
Starting [D6]out too late giving [A7/6]up too soon;
C[G]oming home to c[C#7]offee and a tr[F#7]ashy b[B7]ook;
N[Em]ever paying any mind if th[A7]ings were never done on
Time was when a fella could just let time slip away;
No worries car or telephone just rent and food to pay;
And every night with single buddies boozing at the bar,
Living for the minute, taking every hour in it!
But n[G]ow there's just too m[C#7]uch to do in [F#7]any given d[B7]ay;
The c[Em]ar, the phone, the k[A7]iddies shoes too [D6]many bills to pay;
R[F#7]unning from the crack of dawn 'til K[Bm]nowlton [F#/C#]reads the n[D6]ews,
And f[Em]alling into bed too wiped to [A6]even kiss the wife good n[D6]ight. [A7/6]
Oh, oh, [D6]oh...just an[A7/6]other working Joe.
Break: G C#7 F#7 B7
[Em]D6 [A7sus2-A7]A7/6 (as in intro)
The baby's in the Swingomatic, singing Rock and Roll;
My Sweetie's in the kitchen, whipping up my favourite casserole.
I knocked off work at ten o'clock, the kids are still at school.
The coffee pot is hell with bloody working.
Oh, it sure is sweet to sit at home and let time slip away,
Through tomorrow I'll be scratching through another working day;
But when I start to come apart from all the things to do,
I know that I'll be taking soon another lazy winter afternoon.
Oh, oh, oh...just another working Joe!
D6 (004432) F#7 (442322) F#/C# (x4432x)
A7/6 (x5675) B7 (x24242)
G (550030) Em (222000)
C#7 (x43428) Bm (x24432)
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