Fakin' the Blues Status Quo
[D] [F#m] [G] [A] [D] [F#m] [G] [A] [D]
E|---------------------------------------------------------------------| B|---------------------------------------------------------------------| G|---7-6-7-6-4--------4---------7-6-7-9-4--------4---------------------| D|-------------7-7-7----7-4---------------7-7-7----7-4-----------------| A|--------------------------5--------------------------5---------------| E|---------------------------------------------------------------------|
Riff 1 Riff 2 Riff 3
E|---------- E|----------------- E|-----------------| B|---------- B|----------------- B|-----------------| G|---------- G|-----7-6~-------- G|-----7-7~--------| D|---------- D|-7-9------------- D|-7-9-------------| A|-0-1-2---- A|----------------- A|-----------------| E|---------- E|----------------- E|-----------------|
Riff 4
E|------------| B|------------| G|------------| D|------------| A|-----5---5--| E|-5h8---5----| -----------------------------------------------------------------------
[A]Waiting around for a m[D]iracle [A]looking at me for a [D]clue
[G] I'm moving [A]on if it's the [Bm]same to y[G]ou [D] too late for [A]me
too late for y[D]ou [Bm] On and [F#]on c[F#7]hanging like the w[Bm]eather
close your [G]eyes no surpri[D]se is in stor[A]e (Riff 1)
[F#m]Look me straight in the e[G]ye (Riff 1)
[F#m]when you tell me that l[G]ie (Riff 1)
[F#m]I can't have it thoug[G]h I can't take it no [A]over and over again
(Riff 4) [D] Who's f[F#m]akin' the blue[G]s__[A]___
(Riff 4) [D] Who's b[F#m]reaking the ru[G]les_[A]_____
(Riff 4) [D] while t[F#m]rying to foo[G]l___[A]___ fakin' the bl[D]ues
(Riff 2)[A] Isn't it time for a [D]turn around
(Riff 2)[A] Isn't it time that you k[D]new
[G]I never th[A]ought that I could [Bm]say to y[G]ou (Riff 3) [D]
You carry [A]on I'll surviv[D]e [Bm]On and [F#]on c[F#7]hanging like the we[Bm]ather
close your [G]eyes no surpri[D]se is in stor[A]e (Riff 1)
[F#m]Look me straight in the e[G]ye (Riff 1)
[F#m]when you tell me that l[G]ie (Riff 1)
[F#m]I can't have it thoug[G]h I can't take it no [A]over and over again
(Riff 4) [D] Who's f[F#m]akin' the blue[G]s__[A]___
(Riff 4) [D] Who's b[F#m]reaking the ru[G]les_[A]_____
(Riff 4) [D] while t[F#m]rying to foo[G]l___[A]___ fakin' the bl[D]ues
[F#m] [G] [A] [D] [F#m] [G] [A] [D]
E|---------------------------------------------------------------------| B|---------------------------------------------------------------------| G|-7-6-7-6-4--------4---------7-6-7-8-4--------4-----------------------| D|-----------7-7-7----7-4---------------7-7-7----7-4-------------------| A|------------------------5--------------------------5-----------------| E|---------------------------------------------------------------------|
[F#m] [G] [A]
E|-----------------------------------------10-12-12b14---12b14---12b14-| B|-------------------10--------------10-12-----------------------------| G|-----------7-9b11------r-7-9-9/11------------------------------------| D|-------7-9-----------------------------------------------------------| A|-5-7/9---------------------------------------------------------------| E|---------------------------------------------------------------------|
[D] [F#m] [G] [A]
E|--12b14-12b14~---12b14---12b14r-10------------------------------------| B|------------------------------------12b14--12b14--r-10----------------| G|--------------------------------------------------------12b14--r11-9~-| D|----------------------------------------------------------------------| A|----------------------------------------------------------------------| E|----------------------------------------------------------------------|
E|-------------------| B|--15-14-15~-(15)---| G|-------------------| D|-------------------| A|-------------------| E|-------------------|
[A]Maybe by now you'll be sa[D]tisfied (Riff 2)[A] looking at me like you [D]do
[G]What do you[A] feel burning in[Bm]side of y[G]ou (Riff 3) [D]
Living a l[A]ie don't have to t[D]ry
[Bm]On and [F#]on ch[F#7]anging like the wea[Bm]ther
close your [G]eyes no surpri[D]se is in stor[A]e (Riff 1)
[F#m]Look me straight in the e[G]ye (Riff 1)
[F#m]when you tell me that l[G]ie (Riff 1)
[F#m]I can't have it thoug[G]h I can't take it no [A]over and over again
(Riff 4) [D] Who's f[F#m]akin' the blue[G]s__[A]___
(Riff 4) [D] Who's b[F#m]reaking the ru[G]les_[A]_____
(Riff 4) [D] Who's f[F#m]akin' the blue[G]s__[A]___
(Riff 4) [D] Who's b[F#m]reaking the ru[G]les_[A]_____
(Riff 4) [D] Who's b[F#m]reaking the ru[G]les_[A]_____
Fakin' the blue[D]s.
C&P job.
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