Divided Tegan and Sara
A: 3-2-X-X-X-X--|
B: 10-9-X-X-X-X-|
C: X-7-X-9-X-X--|
D: X-5-X-7-X-X--|
[A]Go d[B]owntown, catch the early mo[C]vie [D]
The shows are cheaper, they don't mind if you put your feet up
She's out on the highway
She's got a homemade sign it says
"Go ahead, try to figure out what my future looks like"
I don't want to live my life like a story
always thinkin I could've been something
Don't run alongside and control me
Just film away and let me be
At ease, I, I feel fine
I'll move on, I'll go on
[A]There's something s[B]o d[C]ivid[D]ed
Don't worry about me I'll be fine
Don't live your life for me or for anyone
You live your life as if you're one
You live your life as if you're one
Find quiet, it's awful quiet
[A]How can you be m[B]ad, we've just got [C]starte[D]d
I want to sh[A]ave my head and li[B]e in bed all d[C]ay lo[D]ng
How can you be mad, we've just got started
Live your life as if you're one
Live your life as if you're one
[A]At ea[B]se,[C] I[D], [A]I fe[B]el f[C]in[D]e
I'll go on, I'll move on
Don't live your life like a movie
Always thinkin you could've been something
Don't live your life for me or for anyone
You live your life as if you're one
You live your life as if you're one
Find quiet, it's awful quiet
Find quiet
Questions/Comments? e-mail me @ mlandry87@yahoo.com
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