The Melting Point of Wax Thrice
C = e ------- ------- ------- (!!!)= e ------- ------- -------
H ---O--- ------- ------- H --(O)-- ------- ---O---
G ------- ------- ------- ---> G ------- ------- -------
D ------- ---O--- ------- D ------- ---O--- -------
A ------- ------- ---O--- A ------- ------- ---O---
E ------- ------- ------- E ------- ------- -------
[Em]I've waited for this moment [C]all my life and more,
[Em]And now i see so clearly what I c[C]ould not see before.
[Em]The time is now or never and this c[C]hance won't come again,
[Em]Throw caution and myself into the w[C]ind. [D]
There's no promise of s[Em]afety with these second hand w[C]ings
But im willing to [Am]find out what impossible m[C]eans.[D]
A leap of f[Em]aith.
[Em]Parody of an angel m[C]iles above the sea.
[Em]I hear the voice of reason sc[C]reaming up to [D]me.
[Em]"You've flown far too high boy now you're t[C]oo close to the sun,
Em C (!!!)
Soon your makeshift wings will come undone".
[D]But how will [Em]I know l[C]imits from lies [D]if i [Em]never t[C]ry? [D]
There's no promise of s[Em]afety with these second hand w[C]ings
But im willing to [Am]find out what impossible m[C]eans.[D]
Climb to the h[Em]eavens on feathers and d[C]reams
'Cause the m[Am]elting point of wax means nothing to [C]me.
[C]Nothing to me.
[C]Nothing to me.
[C]I will touch the sun or I will [Em]die tryi[C]ng.
[Am]Die Tryi[C]ng.
Fly on these second hand wings,
Willing to find out what impossible means.
Climb to the heavens on feathers and dreams
'Cause the melting point of wax means nothing to me.
Nothing to me.
[C]Means nothing to me,
[C]Miles above the sea.
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