Every Light in the House Trace Adkins
[F] [C] [A#]
[F]I told you I d leave a light on
[C]In case you ever wanted to come back home
[A#]You smiled and said you appreciate the gesture [F] [C]
[F]I took your every word to heart
[C] Cause I can t stand us being apart
[A#]And just to show how much I really miss ya [F] [C]
[F]Every light in the house is on
[C]The backyard`s bright as the crack on dawn
[A#]The front walk looks like runway lights
[F]It s kinda like noon in the dead of night [C]
[F]Every light in the house is on
[C]Just in case you ever do get tired of being go[A#]ne
[C]Every light in the [F]house is on
If I should ever start forgetting
I ll turn the lights off one by one
So you can see that I agree it s over
But until then I want you to know
If you look south, you ll see a glow
That s me waiting at home each night to hold ya
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