Make It Last Eric Andersen
(Eric Andersen)
Guitar: Capo III
Intro: G C G C F G C
verse 1:
[C]It's 2 am and [G]pitch [C]black
And I've [F]got so far to [C]go
My hands are hangin' [F]from the [C]wheel
But my [G]mind it only [F]roams[G]
The [C]sun went down be[G]hind the [C]hills
And the [F]miles are draggin' [D7]past
This [C]highway rolls [D7]forever
But I'm [F]comin' [G]home at [C]last
[C]Make it last[G]
I want to [F]feel the mornin' come
Make it [C]last[G]
I want to [F]see the mornin' [G]sun
I [C]want to fly
Like an [F]angel in the wind
Make it [C]last[G]
'til I'm [F]in your [G]arms [C]again
verse 2: (same chords as verse 1)
By the highway is a diamond
Glowin' in the night
All along the dark horizon
First sign and crack of light
Up the road I see a hotel
Better pull in off the line
Tomorrow seems forever
But I'll make it home on time
Repeat refrain.
[Am]Ridin' 'neath the [C]shotgun moon
The [F]clouds watch from [Dm7]above
[C]The things we do to [G]keep this life
[C]The things we do for [F]love
[Am]The chain they call the [C]highway
Can [F]nail you like a [Dm7]stone
What I [C]wouldn't do to [G]have one hour
To [F]be with [G]you [C]alone
Repeat refrain.
Up ahead I see a woman
I can see her silhouette
It's 4 am, the lights are out
I can see the empty bed
She's starin' out the window
She puts out a cigarette
The night rolls on forever
Like the prairies in the West
Repeat refrain.
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