A Place in the Choir Bill Staines
G *
All God's critters got a place in the choir
[D7]Some sing low, [G]some sing higher
C * G
Some sing out loud on the telephone wire
D7 G *
And some just clap their hands or paws or anything they got, now ..
G *
Listen to the bass, it's the one on the bottom
Where the [D7]bullfrog croaks and the [G]hippopotamus
C * G
Moans and groans with a big t'-do
And the [D7]old cow just goes [G]moo
G *
The dogs and the cats, they take up the middle
While the [D7]honeybee hums and the [G]cricket fiddles
C * G
The donkey brays and the pony neighs
And the [D7]old coyote [G]howls
G *
Listen to the top where the little birds sing
On the [D7]melody with the [G]high notes ringing
C * G
The hoot owl hollers over every-thing
And the [D7]jay bird disa-[G]grees
Singing in the night time, singing in the day
The little duck quacks, then he's on his way
The 'possum ain't got much to say
And the porcupine talks to himself
It's a simple song of living sung everywhere
By the ox and the fox and the grizzly bear
The grumpy alligator and the hawk above
The sly raccoon and the turtle dove
- "*" in the chord line represents a new bar, play same chord
- "." in the lyric line represents a 1/8 note rest
- V1L4: G on "old", D7 on "just"
| Barrie McCombs, MD, CCFP(EM) | Family Physician by Day |
| bmccombs@acs.ucalgary.ca | Folk Musician by Night |
| Voice: (403) 220-8551 | |
| Fax: (403) 270-2330 | "Semper Ubi, Sub Ubi" |
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