Welcome to the Working Week Elvis Costello
Now that your p[E]icture's in the paper bein' r[G#m7]ythmic'lly admired
And you can [C#m7]have anyone that you have [F#]ever desired,
[A]All you gotta tell me now is w[B]hy, why, why why.
[A]Welcome to the working [C#m]week.
Oh, I kn[A]ow it don't thrill you.
I h[E]ope it don't kill you.
[A]Welcome to the [C#m]working w[F#]eek.
You gotta [A]do it till you're through it so you b[B]etter get to it.
[E]All of your fam'ly had to [G#m]kill to survive,
[C#m]And they're still waitin' for their [F#]big day to arrive.
But [A]if they knew how I felt, they'd b[B]ury me alive.
[A]Welcome to the working [C#m]week.
Oh, I kn[A]ow it don't thrill you.
I h[E]ope it don't kill you.
[A]Welcome to the [C#m]working w[F#]eek.
You gotta [A]do it till you're through it so you b[B]etter get to it.
[G#m]I hear you sayin', "Hey, the c[C#m]ity's all right,"
When you [F#m]only read a[G#m]bout it in b[A]ooks. [B]
[G#m]Spend all your money gettin' [C#m]so convinced
That you n[A]ever even bother to lo[B]ok
[E]Sometimes I wonder if we're l[G#m]ivin' in the same land. [C#m]
Why d'you wanna [F#]be my friend
When I f[A]eel like a juggler runnin' [B]outta hands?
[A]Welcome to the working [C#m]week,
[A]Oh ah, welcome to the working w[E]eek.
From: jstaton@math.lsa.umich.edu (Joseph L Staton)
The first verse hit the chords once each and let's them ring-- the first
chorus and after the chords are struck once on the first downbeat followed
by two half beats (a "one and two" syncopated count if you wasted
years as a high-school band-nazi)
Welcome to the Working Week- Elvis Costello
Verse: (tacit until picture)
Now that your pictureÕs [E]in the paper bein' publ[G#m]icly admired
You can h[C#m]ave anyone
That you have e[F#]ver desired
A[A]ll you gotta do is tell me [B]why, why, why, why...
W[A]elcome to the workin' we[E]ek
Oh, I k[A]now it donÕt thrill you
I hope [E]it don't kill you
Welcome [A]to the workin' week [F#]
You gotta do it '[A]til you do it
So you'd bette[B]r get to it
Verse 2:
Not like your family had to kill to survive
They're still waitin' for their
Big day to arrive
If they knew how I felt
They'd bury me alive
I he[G#]ar you sayin' that the cityÕs all right[C#m]
But you've o[F#m]nly read about it in [G#m]books [A] [B]
Spent a[G#]ll your money gettin' so convinced [C#m]
That you never even bothere[A]d to learn [B]
Verse 3:
Not like we're even livin' in the same land
Why you want to be my friend
When I'm actin' like a juggler
Runnin' outta hands
Welcome[A] to the workin' week [E]
Well now, welcome to t[A]he workin' week [E]
Joe Staton jstaton@umich.edu
Department of Biology Joe.Staton@um.cc.umich.edu
University of Michigan
The above is solely MY INTERPRETATION of this great song, in a format aimed at learning guitarists.
No attempt has been made to copy or reproduce the artist's or publisher's sheet music for the song,
if such exists.
It can be used for INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. To play the song as it should be played, you should
purchase the official sheetmusic for the song. You should also purchase and listen to the song to learn
the rhythm and timing of the song - this is essential if you wish to play the song with any degree of accuracy
Important: The song above is NOT stored on the Chordie server. The original song is hosted at chordiearchive.chordie.com. Chordie works as a search engine and provides on-the-fly formatting. Chordie does not index songs against artists'/composers' will. To remove this song please click here.