Motel Matches Elvis Costello
[C]Somewhere in the distance I can hear "[F]Who Shot Sam?"
[G]This is my conviction, that I am an [C]innocent man
[C]Though you [C]say [D]I'm [E] [F]unkind
[F]I'm being as nice as I can
[Am]Boys everywhere, fumbling with the catches
[Am]I struck lucky with motel [F]matches
[G]Falling for you without a [F]second look
[G]Falling out of your open [F]pocketbook
[G]Giving you [F]away like motel [C]matches
I wake with the siren in an emergency
Though your mind is full of love
In your eyes there is a vacancy
And you know what I'll do
When the light outside changes from red to blue
The above is solely MY INTERPRETATION of this great song, in a format aimed at learning guitarists.
No attempt has been made to copy or reproduce the artist's or publisher's sheet music for the song,
if such exists.
It can be used for INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. To play the song as it should be played, you should
purchase the official sheetmusic for the song. You should also purchase and listen to the song to learn
the rhythm and timing of the song - this is essential if you wish to play the song with any degree of accuracy
Important: The song above is NOT stored on the Chordie server. The original song is hosted at Chordie works as a search engine and provides on-the-fly formatting. Chordie does not index songs against artists'/composers' will. To remove this song please click here.