Come Cryin' to Me Lonestar
[A]I can see it in your eyes Yo[D]u're living a troubled life
[D]And you've been hurting more and more these d[A]ays
[A]You don't have to hide it D[D]on't even have to fight it
[D]Baby all you have to do is just t[F#m]urn and walk a[E]way
[A]When you're tire of it a[E]ll when tears need to f[F#m]all
[F#m]You back's to the w[D]all come cr[E]yin' to [A]me
[A]You don't have to be str[E]ong you don't have to hold [F#m]on
You've been there too l[D]ong Come c[E]ryin' to [A]me
[A]I'll leave the l[F#m]iving room light Burning all ni[B]ght
[A]No don't even p[E]ack Don't even look b[D]ack
[F#m]Baby Come c[E]ryin' to m[A]e
[A]You can get beyond this A[D]ll those empty promises
[D]They don't have to hold you down no m[A]ore
[A]Nothing to explain to me Y[D]ou don't even need a key
[D]All you gotta do is knock and [F#m]I'll unlock the d[E]oor
Chorus, lead, then to ending:
I'll leave the l[F#m]iving room light Burning all n[B]ight
[A]No don't even p[E]ack Don't even look b[A]ack
[F#m]Baby Come cr[E]yin' to [A]me [E] [F#m]Baby Come c[E]ryin' to [A]me[E]
[F#m]Baby Come cr[E]yin' to [A]me
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