From There to Here Lonestar
[A]Brothers Wilbur and Orville Wright built w[Bm]ings out of wood an steel,
[D]Folks said that thing will never fly,[A] they said watch that it will,
We've been defying gravity now g[Bm]oing on a hundred years,
It was pa[D]per wings, and paper dreams,
That's how we got from there to h[A]ere,
(verse 2)
[A]A nickle bought a soda pop a way back then, and a m[Bm]ovie only cost a dime,
He came h[D]ome with a star and a purple heart, she wa[A]ited all that time,
Today they'll cut a golden wedding cake, how they [Bm]made it all those years,
It h[D]ad to be tough they just said it was love,
That's how they got from there to h[A]ere,
[A-F-F#m] You either do or you d[A]on't believe that it c[D]an or can't be d[A]one,
[A-F-F#m] Without some faith and a to[A]uch of grace and it can h[D]appen,
to anyone,
(verse 3)
<-------NO Chords--------> Bm
Poor boys lots of noise two car garage, hey turn those guitars down,
[D]They couldn't know that the word would grow in t[A]ime to love that sound,
They headed out in a beat up van and a u[Bm]-haul packed full of gear,
The r[D]oad was long but their will was strong,
That's how they got from there to h[A]ere,
(lead - A - Bm - D - A)
(verse 4)
[A]Yea they got a bus but you can bet they'd walk just to h[Bm]ear another crowd cheer,
It was a s[D]ong and a prayer and a lot of luck and you,
That got us from there to h[A]er[-]e,[Bm] oh yeah[D],
Got us from there to h[A]ere,
Outro - A - Bm - D - A
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