Sincerely Me New Found Glory
[B5] [A] [G] [C] [F#]
e|--- --- --- --- ---- --- -------| B|--- --- --- --- ---- --- -------| G|--- --- --- --- ---- ------- ---| D|--- -9- -7- -5- -10- -4- ---| A|--- -9- -7- -5- -10- -4- ---| E|--- -7- -5- -3- --8- -2- ---|
Intro: Bass
G|---------------------------------------------------------------------------| D|------4-5-------4-5-----4-4-5-9-5------------------------------------------| A|---------------------------------------------------------------------------| E|---33--------33------77----------------------------------------------------|
[All of tbis is witbin tbe intro]
Dear your name here. Its been a long time very long time. Since ive heard your
voice and I bet she never thought i was.
[A LR]
....So sorry so, I got a hard time very hard time seeing less of yooouuu
[ Scream tbis part out ] [A]PM
I never thought you kneewwww.
[G].. [G]So c[A]an [A]you [C]seeeeee [G]you[G]r se[A]ein[A]g le[C]ss of me darliiiin[G]g. [G]And [A]you[A]r bl[C]ind to the
[G]fa[G]ct that my [A]hea[A]rts [C]stoping. .[G]..[F]..[G]........And [G]im [F]as [G]good as deeee[G]eee[F]ad.[G].......
[G]And[F] im[G] as good as deeeeeead.
Dear I forgot your name again just picking up her letsoff[BR]oh yeaaah.
[A LR]
This is the part where you leave me.....So sorry so, I've had a hard time very
hard time seeing less of
[ Scream tbis part out ] [A]PM]
yoooou I never thought you kneeeeew.
[G]...[G].So [A]can[A] you[C] seeeeeee your [G]see[G]ing [A]les[A]s of[C] me darling. And your blind to
[G]the[G] fac[A]t t[A]hat [C]my hearts st[G]opi[G]ng. [A]So [A]can [C]you see[G]e y[G]our [A]see[A]ing [C]less of me[G] da[G]rling.
[A]And[A] you[C]r blind to the[G] fa[G]ct t[A]hat[A] my [C]hearts stoping. [G]...[F]..A[G]nd im as good as[G] de[F]ead[G].
[ G] [F] [G]
guitar one
e|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| B|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| G|------------------------------------5555555555555555---------------------------------------------| D|--5555555555555555-7777777777777777-5555555555555555-----------------------| A|--5555555555555555-7777777777777777-3333333333333333-----------------------| E|--3333333333333333-5555555555555555----------------------------------------------------| PM-------------------------------------------------PM
Listen to song to figure this part out.
e|---------------------------------------------------------------------------| B|---------------------------------------------------------------------------| G|-----------------------5---------------------------------------------------| D|---5-5-5-5-----5-5-5-5-5------5-5-5-5----5-5-5-5-7-------------------------| A|---5-5-5-5-----5-5-5-5-3------5-5-5-5----5-5-5-5-7-------------------------| E|---3-3-3-3-----3-3-3-3--------3-3-3-3----3-3-3-3-5-------------------------|
guitar two
e|---------------------------------------------------------------------------| B|---------------------------------------------------------------------------| G|-------7-7-7-6-6-6-4-4-6-6-6-6-6-6-6---------------------------------------| D|---------------------------------------------------------------------------| A|---------------------------------------------------------------------------| E|---------------------------------------------------------------------------|
[Tbis...tbis is all..... I bave saaaay saaaaay..GO]
[G]...[G].So [A]can[A] you[C] seeeeee your s[G]eei[G]ng l[A]ess[A] of [C]me darling. And yo[G]ur [G]blin[A]d t[A]o th[C]e fact that
my hearts stoping. .....[G]So [G]can [A]you[A] see[C]eeee so can you see your seein[G]g l[G]ess [A]of [A]me d[C]arling.
And your bli[G]nd [G]to t[A]he [A]fact[C] that my hearts stopiiiing stoping
[G]...[G].So [A]can[A] you[C] seeeeee your s[G]eei[G]ng l[A]ess[A] of [C]me darling. And yo[G]ur [G]blin[A]d t[A]o th[C]e fact that
my hearts stoping stopiiing stoping stoping.
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