It Must Look Pretty Appealing Bad Religion
the wh[E]eat waving n[C]ext to y[D]ou is h[E]ealthy and so f[G]ine[D]
as is di[E]nner with your l[C]oved ones every d[D]ay
but yo[E]ur routine's unch[C]anging t[D]hru the d[E]ecades of your li[G]fe[D]
green p[E]astures open sp[C]aces holy w[D]ays
and it m[B]ust look pretty appealing the ac[G]res of li[F#]ghts
the cr[G]owded festive n[D]ights and the mi[B]llions of ot[G]hers just like y[A]ou
and it mu[B]st look pretty appealing this ot[G]her world of s[F#]in
we keep dr[G]eaming of what o[A]ther people d[B]o[A]
the person sitting next to you is dismal and deranged
on the bus ride home from work to end your day
and the food on your table is more plastic than protein
and your intellect depends on your TV
and it must look pretty appealing the pastoral retreat
the folks on old Main Street and the few pleasant people just like you
it must look pretty appealing the simple way of life
we keep dreaming of what other people do
but we ne[G]ver do what ot[A]her people [B]do
you're too sc[G]ared of other pe[A]ople not like y[E]ou
outro: E C D E G D E G A B (i think this is right...)
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