King Of The Road Roger Miller
[C]Trailer for [F]sale or rent,[G7] rooms to let [C]fifty cents
[C]No phone, no [F]pool, no pets ..[G]. I ain't got no [G7]cigarettes
Ah, but ...[C] two hours of [F]pushin' broom
Buys a [G7]eight-by-twelve [C]four-bit room
I'm a ..[C7]. man of [F]means, by no means .[G7]... King of the [C]Road
[C]Third boxcar, [F]midnight train,[G7] destination [C]Bangor, Maine
[C]Old worn-out [F]suit and shoes, [G]I don't pay no [G7]union dues
I smoke ... [C] old stogies [F]I have found
[G7]Short, but not too [C]big around
I'm a ..[C7]. man of [F]means, by no means .[G7]... King of the [C]Road
I know [C]every engineer on [F]every train
[G7]All of their children, and [C]all of their names
And [C]every handout in [F]every town
And [G]every lock that ain't locked, when [G7]no one's around, I sing ...
[C]Trailer for [F]sale or rent,[G7] rooms to let [C]fifty cents
[C]No phone, no [F]pool, no pets ..[G]. I ain't got no [G7]cigarettes
Ah, but ...[C] two hours of [F]pushin' broom
Buys a [G7]eight-by-twelve [C]four-bit room
I'm a ..[C7]. man of [F]means, by no means .[G7]... King of the [C]Road
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geekmomba (report)
Tranpose +2
geekmomba (report)
Ribzy (report)
in A (- 3 semi-tones)works best for me.
bwnichols (report)
Great song to practice bar chords... play 'bar G' and 'bar C' on 5th fret, lift ring finger to play G7 & C7. Slide G down 2 frets to play 'bar F', and that's it!
G: 3 5 5 4 3 3
G7: 3 5 3 4 3 3
C: 3 3 5 5 5 3
C7: 3 3 5 3 5 3
Longwave (report)
if you go up +2 semitones I feel it is a lot easier to play good song this