Misguided Angel Cowboy Junkies
@SONG: "Misguided Angel"
Intro (w/harmonica): D A D A G A D G D A D
Yeah I said "M[D]omma he's crazy and he sca[A]res me
But I w[D]ant him by my sid[A]e
Though he's wi[G]ld and he's b[A]ad and s[D]ometimes just plain m[G]ad
I ne[D]ed him to ke[A]ep me satisfi[D]ed"
I said "Papa don't cry cause it's alright
And I see you in some of his ways
Though he might not give me the love that you wanted
I'll love him the rest of my days"
M[G]isguided angel hangin ov[A]er me
H[G]eart like a Gabriel, pure and whi[A]te as ivo[D]ry
S[G]oul like a Lu[A]cifer, black and col[D]d like a piece of [G]lead
M[D]isguided a[A]ngel, love you t[D]ill I'm dead
I said "Brother speak to me of passion
You said never to settle for nothin less
Well it's in the way he walks, it's in the way he talks
His smile, his anger, and his kisses"
Yeah I said "Sister don't you understand?
He's all I ever wanted in a man
I'm tired of sittin round the t.v. every night
Hoping I'm finding a Mister Right"
Misguided angel hangin over me
Heart like a Gabriel, pure and white as ivory
Soul like a Lucifer, black and cold like a piece a lead
Misguided angel, love you till I'm dead
He says "B[D]aby don't listen to w[A]hat they say
There com[G]es a time when y[A]ou'll have to br[D]eak away"
He says "B[G]aby there are thi[A]ngs we all cl[D]ing to all our l[G]ives
It's t[D]ime to let them g[A]o and bec[D]ome my wife"
Mis[D]guided angel hangin o[A]ver me
He[D]art like a Gabriel, pure and wh[A]ite as ivory
So[G]ul like a Lucifer, black and co[A]ld like a piece of [D]lead
(a capella)
Misguided angel, love you till I'm dead
(lame approximation of the mandolin thing at the end)
D D Dsus4 D(?) D(no 3rd)
e ---2-3-2----------2------3-----4------5--------- b ---------3--------3------3-----3------3--------- g -----------2------2------2-----2------2--------- d -------------0----0------0-----0------0---------
Ummm... This is really the first time I've ever done this,
and all the other standard disclaimers. Oh yeah, also, the
lyrics are downloaded from cs.uwp.edu, so I take no credit for
those. Otherwise, enjoy!
Andrew Fung
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