La-La Means I Love You The Delfonics
"La La Means I Love You"
(Thom Bell - William Hart)
Gmaj7 Gmaj9 Am7/D [2X] (Gmaj9 implied by strings)
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Verse 1:
Many [Gmaj7]guys have come to you
With a line that wasn't true
[Am7]And [Bm7]you [Am7/D]passed them by (passed them by)
Now you're[Gmaj7] in the center ring
And their lines don't mean a thing
Why d[Am7]on't [Bm7]you [Am7/D]let me try (let me try)
Now [Bm]I don't wear a diamond r[Em]ing[/D] [/C] [/B]
I don't [Am7]even have a song to [Am7/D]sing
[B7]All I know is
[Em]La la la la [Bm]la la la la [Am7]la [Am7/D]means
Gmaj7 []
I love you
[1: Bm7]Oh, baby please now
2: Oh... baby]
[Em]La la la la [Bm]la la la la [Am7]la [Am7/D]means
Gmaj7 []
I love you
Verse 2:
If I ever saw a girl
That I needed in this world
You are the one for me (one for me)
Let me hold me in my arms
Girl, and thrill you with my charms
I'm sure you will see (you will see)
The things I am sayin' are true
And the way I explain them to you
Listen to me
Instrumental break [key cbanges to A]:
[G#m7] [Amaj7]
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[G#m7] [Amaj7]
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Partial verse:
The t[C#m]hings I am sayin' are tru[F#m]e[/E] [/D] [/C#]
Bm7 Bm7/E []
And the way I explain them to you, yes to you
L[C#7]isten to me
Coda [repeat to fade]:
[F#m]La la la la [C#m] la la la la [Bm7]la [Bm7/E]means
I[Amaj7] love you
[1: Ob, C#m7]you'll have to understand
2: Come on and take my hand]
-- another ace 60's tab from Andrew Rogers
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