Private Ale Green Day
Subject: Private Ale -GREEN DAY
Date: Wed, 30 Aug 1995 22:23:34 -0500 (CDT)
Private Ale - GREEN DAY
Here is yet another Green Day tune off Kerplunk. Cool song, fun to play.
Write me if you
download this. I want to hear from you. If you have any Green Day requests,
I can play just
about everything. Thanks.
INTRO: (8'th notes, muted)
I wonder down these streets all by myself
G#----------------(muted)---------------- C#
Think of my future now I just don't know
[C#]I don't seem to care[G#]
I stop to notice that I'm by your home
G#----------------(muted)------- C#
I wonder if you're sitting all alone
[C#]Or is your boyfriend there?[G#]
Because I feel s[C#]o ri[G#]ght[Eb]
Let my imag[C#]inatio[G#]n go[Eb]
Until you're in m[C#]y si[G#]ght[Eb]
And through my veins tem[C#]ptation flow[G#]s[Eb]
F#--G# F# C# X4
(quick slide)
VERSE 2 (same chords as the first)
So I sit down here on the hard concrete
Think of my future now I just don't know
I don't seem to care .
So I sit across the street from your home
I wonder if you're sitting all alone
Or is your boyfriend there?
BRIDGE: (lyrics impossible)
G# C F# X4 then Eb
G#------ F#----- X4
OUTRO: (last 3 chords of the song)
G# C F# (fade into feedback)
Other Green Day posted by me:
Armitage Shanks (off the upcoming album)
One For the Razorbacks
Paper Lanterns
Adam Peiken
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